Saturday, September 15, 2012

DAR's Constitution Week / Fall Kick-Off Celebration

       Starting to realize the desire I have stirring inside to wrap myself in the historical elements of the DAR (Daughters of the American Revolution). This is the third meeting now that I have attended. I am very much welcomed by all those who are there and even though age wise I am on of the youngest by far, I find it very enlightening and yet problematic all at the same time. Heritage wise, I am a DAR through more ways or family lines that I can even begin to address. And yet, all seems so foreign to me. My family comes from the upper part of the original thirteen colonies and one whole group came in on the Mayflower. So with that I feel a deep seeded sense of responsibility to continue the fight for our American and religious freedoms. But as I sat and listened to the guest speaker, I couldn't help but feel like I was out of place and steadfastly setting on the wrong side of the party line. SO... back to prayer and study I go.... :)
      Monday begins the national celebration of Constitution Week. It will be a week-long commemoration of America’s most important document. This week is one of our country’s least known official observances and "Bells Across America" has become a DAR tradition in many of our nation’s towns and cities. And in keeping with tradition, we had a hand bell group come today that played a beautiful piece entitled "American Fantasy". I know I live in the land of opportunity and I am very blessed to be part of this great nation. I am excited and very interested in being able to visit some of these old battle grounds and experience these ideals for myself. I treasure my heritage, and the opportunities to share it all with my boys. Let the American Revolution Class begin....

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