Wednesday, May 1, 2013

feeling the MAY DAY blues...

There are several things in my life that I have done and then stopped and thought about the saying... "To Much of a GOOD THING is not always a GOOD THING!" My life has been very busy lately and I just keep thinking that maybe if I just keep working then I will just keep going and going and going.... but I am getting tired of going. Don't get me wrong, I am not burning out! I love my family, I love my job, I love my friends, but a thought crossed my mind this morning that I keep thinking about.

Wish I had a thought bubble because this would make a lot more sense....

 "Okay, so TODAY is MAY DAY (1), which is an ancient Celtic spring festival, usually a public holiday; it is also a traditional spring holiday in many cultures, that has been celebrated since pre-Christian times with the festival of Flora, the Roman goddess of flowers. But on the same note MAY-DAY  / MAY-DAY (2) is international distress radio code word, when using voice transmission derived from the French "m'aidez", pronounced "mayDAY," and means literally "help me."

So all day I just kept asking myself was I enjoying the May Day holiday or was I actually feeling a little May Day distress! On the bright side though, enjoying breakfast in my room with a view, it was nice to see the cardinals back on my deck this morning, the pair are so pretty and fun to watch.

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