Saturday, January 11, 2014


 I am really enjoying this project. My Husband and I are true FOODIES and we love to spend time in the kitchen creating and eating together. So this week along with taking the challenge, we decided it would be fun to do a little research about colonialdishes, we decided to spend the week preparing and featuring some of the dishes on our food blog. The result in doing so expanded our thoughts on a more natural way of life and also we felt very satisfied in our food consumption. We each only lost a few pounds, but we did find we had more energy through out the day. We stayed true to the project everyday except for one... Thursday, we found ourselves over endulging at our local fast food joint on the way home from work. And we were bloated and lacked energy most of the next day. (Big sigh)... Interesting lesson learned this week!  :) 

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